Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Finger Puppet Stories

I have a little collection of finger puppets and today Paige and I decided we would use them to tell stories. We went through a really simple nursery rhyme book that we have and found nursery rhymes that we had finger puppets to go with. We improvised a little, we didn't have any sheep, so Little Bo Peep had a sheep that looked an awful lot like a deer, but 3 year olds don't care. We had a lot of fun. I've had my finger puppets for a long time. I bought them when Blake was a baby, but we've never used them much. I thought my kids would just automatically come up with creative stories for them, WRONG! However, using them with a familiar story worked out great. We also did the Mrs. Wishy-Washy story from yesterday and that was fantastic because Paige could remember it from yesterday. If you don't have finger puppets, use stuffed animals or Barbie dolls or matchbox cars. You and your kids will have a great time. After awhile Paige even suggested that she wanted to draw a picture of the nursery rhymes we were doing. She is really into drawing and coloring at the moment, so above are her versions of Little Bo Peep and Little Miss Muffet.

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