Monday, February 15, 2010


I am so excited!  I have been trying and trying to learn to knit and up until this point have never been able to get any farther than a scarf and usually a pretty pathetic one at that.  We had a Relief Society night the other night where they were teaching people to knit.  One of the projects was baby hats.  I finally was able to get it.  I guess knitting is one of those things that it just takes quite a few times of being shown, before you really start to get it.  I finished a very basic hat for my baby that turned out okay, but I didn't love it.  This was my second attempt at a hat.  A friend who works at the local knitting store gave me a few pointers and helped me find some patterns on  and I did it!  There are a couple little mistakes with the decreasing at the very top where I had to switch to double pointed kneedles, my counting got a little messed up, but overall there are no blaring mistakes.  Of course, Paige is asleep, so I can't try it on her, hopefully it fits right.  Thanks to all the people who have been helping me, now and in years past!  My inspiration has been my mom.  She used to knit the most amazing mittens.  She made a pair for each of us girls and a couple for the oldest grandkids because they were the only ones around at that point, but then she started having too much trouble with carpletunnel and it hurt her wrists too much to do.  I want to make those mittens!  Now I am one step closer.  I can knit a rib stitch!


  1. Soooo cute! I love it! My granny (and now my mom) knits all the Christmas stockings in our family. Wish I could learn!

  2. My mother-in-law does amazing stockings too. I would love to learn that too. Maybe someday!
