Thursday, December 16, 2010

Kids Christmas Craft

My four year old is obsessed with crafts.  All day long she begs for crafts to make and if I don't help her come up with things she takes matters into her own hands.  I am all for creativity and I love crafting myself, but when I am not looking the supplies are left everywhere and lets just say crayons, markers, and scissors don't go terrifically with an 18 month old.  Lately I have been going to Hobby Lobby and Michaels and looking for their cheap-o kids craft kits because they require little supervision and any leftover supplies can be tossed in the trash with no guilt.  These beaded candy cane ornaments have been one of the better kits I have found.  I got them at Hobby Lobby, but you don't need the kit at all. 

pipe cleaners
red and white plastic beads (ones that have a similar size hole as the width of the pipe cleaners)
wire cutters (scissors will work, but it dulls them and is harder work)

Instructions:  Fold the bottom of your pipe cleaner so that the beads can't fall off.  String beads onto pipe cleaner in a pattern alternating between red and white.  Fill to almost the top and then bend last little piece of pipe cleaner to hold the beads on and twist into a candy cane shape.  Add to the Christmas tree!

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