The Forbidden Sea by Sheila A. Nielson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
This book was amazing! I can't wait for my girls to be old enough to listen to chapter books so I can read this to them. The story in this book follows a fairly typical fairy tale type pattern, until you get to the end. The choices the main character makes for her future are a little different than what you would find at the end of most fairy tales. I love the strength of the female main character in this book and I love what she learned about beauty and worth and how it important it is to recognize your own worth, whether those around you see it or not. There are so many great discussions you could have with daughters regarding this book. I checked it out from the library, but it is one I will be adding to my to buy list.
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ohhh I am looking for a new book to read, this may be the one. Thanks for craft day last week....dang we need to take a pic of the crafting in action next time!