Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The Mother in Me: Real-World Reflections on Growing Into MotherhoodThe Mother in Me: Real-World Reflections on Growing Into Motherhood by Kathryn Lynard Soper

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This book has been sitting on my dresser for several weeks. I was looking at the "clearance" books at Deseret Book and found it for $2.99. I vaguely remembered reading about it on some websites and thought it was worth picking up. I'm so glad I did. The other day I stuck it in the car figuring that since it was essays, it would be perfect to read when I am waiting to pick up at pre-school or piano lessons. I started reading it today while I was waiting at pre-school, read through baseball practice and finished the last couple essays after the kids were in bed. I loved it. It was the perfect encouragement for the stay at home mom. The essays were honest and real, but encouraging at the same time. There is something so comforting about reading that other mothers struggle with the same things you do. The only reason I didn't give it 5 stars is because it really only applies to moms, particularly moms of young children.

View all my reviews

1 comment:

  1. my book list is growing! I may have to borrow this from you :)
