A friend gave the Paper Doll Game by eeBoo to my 4 year old daughter as a belated birthday gift. This has got to be the best game out there for pre-school age girls. It is so simple. You are essentially taking turns dressing up your paper doll. Games can be so hard for young children to grasp and this one is perfect. The focus is really on taking turns. There are no difficult rules to explain and it doesn't hurt that it is darling! I have no idea where my friend got it, but if you are looking for it, you can go
I ordered Hillary Lang's Kitchen Gnome Embroidery's for dish towel's
here. I finished my first towel and I love it. My husband thinks I am strange, but I think the little gnome's are about the cutest things ever and I love the way the red trim I got to sew to the bottom of the towel's turned out. The only thing I hate about these flour sack towels is that they require ironing. I never iron, so the towel has not spent a lot of time hanging in my kitchen. I kept trying to tell my kids and husband not to use it, it was just for decoration, but you can guess how well that lasted.

I spent yesterday making cupcakes for the Cub Scout Blue and Gold Banquet and I tried piping the frosting on for the first time. I will definitely be doing this from now on. I bought disposable piping bags from Michael's (used the 40% off coupon) and got a giant tip. It cost a few dollars and saved me all kinds of time. Frosting 3 dozen cupcakes would normally take forever and there would be problems with the knife sticking to the cake and the crumbs getting all over in the frosting. None of that, slick and easy. If you haven't tried it, you must, they turn out looking fancy and take you half the time and there is no messy piping bag to clean, just a plastic bag to throw away.